Streams in a Wasteland

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

4th week update

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Well, here I am with my 3rd (!) update of the month! I have found that updating helps me refocus and be inspired all over again with the goals I had set for this year. So, to give the lowdown since the last post I have:

-Kept up with all but the last week of my tithing. Seems bad but for me it's good because even though I fell 2 and a half weeks behind, I still tallied it up and tithed. Yay!

-Ran a total of 14 miles. I'm much further behind than I had intended for January so far but I'm honestly not even mad because even though I haven't run as much as I would like, I've added a few workouts throughout the month. For a seasoned athlete, it seems paltry, but for someone starting to implement new habits, I'm actually proud of myself. And I don't say that often. As the months get warmer I'm sure I will catch up with the mileage. And I'm excited about that! :)

-Picked back up the Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus book. Again, I am behind on my reading, but I will not allow myself to grow discouraged and give up. I will probably have to go a few days into February with my reading, but that's ok! Progress is progress.

-Read at least something in my Bible every day. I'm extremely happy about this one, as it's been a while since I've gone so many days with consistently reading. Granted, some days have only been 1 or 2 verses, but it's something! I fell a little behind with my read through the Bible in a year plan, but I'm slowly catching up by allowing myself to sometimes listen to it, when I don't have the time to actually sit down and read it, or if my eyes are too tired at the end of the day to focus. Surprisingly, by listening, I've been able to pick up different things that I never have before. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to focus, but I've been amazed at how much I've been able to retain and remember by just listening. For the most part though, I like to actually read it myself.

-Only written 2 pieces of poetry this month, which puts me 2 behind. I'm not super upset about this. I haven't decided if I'm going to try to write 2 more to equal 4 for January or not. I'll let you know!

-Prepared more meals and eaten out less. I have made a lot of progress in this area, but it doesn't feel like it because all the money I would have saved on not eating out, I made up for in having to pay for a new crown for my tooth and house cleaning supplies. Again, I'm not going to let that discourage me. I still have to work out the kinks in my budget and this is part of it.

-Journaled once per week. The entries were brief, but present nonetheless!

-Memorized the first 8 verses of Psalm 22! I'm not exactly sure if I will be able to have the complete half of the Psalm memorized by the 31st but I'm going to at least try! To keep myself accountable, I will work on the next 2 verses of Psalm 22 tonight and tomorrow.

As I have discovered by going back over my goals, I'm starting to realize it's all about finding what works. The biggest lesson I'm trying to learn is to not become discouraged that my goals and actions are not lining up perfectly. I'm slowly but surely moving forward towards the goals, and that's what really matters. Perfection doesn't. It may not seem like much, but I know as each month draws to a close, if I feel the same or better than I do now, it will be a win in my book. :)

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Mid January Update

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Tithe Consistently- I tithed last sunday but not this past sunday. On my way back from Athens I will tally how much I need to tithe and give it online.
Read through the Bible- I've kept up every day, sometimes saving the Genesis chapters for the next day. I have 2 chapters from Genesis to read and then todays Genesis chapters. So I've kept up so far. Yay!
Run 500 miles- I've done 6.1. Ideally I would have liked to have more done but my toes have not handled the sudden activity well and so I've had to let them heal. Tomorrow I will get back on track and do 3 miles.
Read at least one book per month- I just decided today the book I'm going to read. It's called Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus. As soon as I get home from Athens I will start it.
Plan/cook more meals, eat out less- I've done better in the last two weeks but I'm still not down to two meals eating out per week.
Write one piece of poetry per week- Haven't done this one. Will work on 2 pieces this week.
Journal once per week- I have done this. I only have one journal entry, so I will have to write one this week.
Blog once per month- Here I am! lol. I think I may try to do once per week, just to check up on myself. But if I don't, no big deal.
*Memorize one verse per week- This is one I decided to add after I wrote my post of goals. So far I have not kept up, but that's because I just decided to start doing it. So I will be working on Psalm 22. (See below)

*I think I would like to start setting monthly goals as well. So for the month of January, I will work on the above and also add memorize at least half of Psalm 22.

Because I'm not in a quiet place where I can think I'm sure this post is full of errors and feels rushed, as it is. I will come back and give a better, more thorough update when I am in a place where I can focus!

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In the year 2015 I would like to accomplish the following:

-Tithe consistently
I have not tithed regularly through 2014. It's been off and on. I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but it's the truth. The reason is not because I want the extra money, as you might think. It's the inconvenience of figuring out each week what my tithe would be and getting the money out of the bank. Which is so lazy of me, I know. That's why I'm changing! I will tithe weekly now. 
-Read through the Bible
My little sister decided to do this, and I've attempted several times to do it, without sticking with it. So I resolve to actually do it this year. I joined YouVersion's plan to read the Bible through the year and I'm two days in!
-Run 500 miles
I realize this is not a very large goal. However, I always make fitness goals that are way too large and then rarely accomplish them. So my idea is to set a small goal and work on consistency. This comes to about 10 miles per week, so it's not too bad. If I surpass the 500, great. If not, at least I was consistent. 
-Read at least 1 book per month
I've given up a lot of reading, blaming lack of time. However, if I'm honest with myself, I probably spend at least an hour of my day on social media. If I divided half of that time and devoted it to reading, I could easily finish a book in a month. 
-Plan/cook more meals, eat out less
I spent way too much money in 2014 eating out because I did not plan ahead. This year I would like to try to stay with eating out only 1 or 2 times per week. It will take me a while to get the gist of budgeting and planning for meals, but it's something I'm going to at least work on.
-Buy a gun
I need one, in case of creepers lurking, being a female who lives by myself. 
-Write one piece of poetry per week
I've given up a lot of my writing, because I've felt that none of it is good. But if I'm not consistently writing, I'll never get better. I do want to get better, and for some reason I feel that one day all the writing will come in handy.
-Journal once per week
In giving up most of my writing, I've felt a void and a lot more confusion in my life. I need to write in order to figure life out. I don't know why I am the way that I am, but writing just helps me. So to start, I will journal once a week and hopefully that will turn into more. 
-Blog once per month
I would like to think that once I start putting these goals into practice I'll actually be inspired to write more than once a month. But I do want to write at least once a month to update myself and whoever may read this on my progress!

So now this is out in the open. No turning back. Here's to 2015! 

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