Streams in a Wasteland

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Disturb us Lord

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Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wilder seas
Where storms will show Your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.

We ask you to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push back the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.

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I'm torn between the desire to write and the unlucky coincidence that my brain is seemingly void of insightful thoughts. That seems to be the great paradox of my life. Wanting to do something, yet not having focus enough to do it. Sometimes I think I have something akin to ADD because I'll get so excited about something or want to do something but I can't make myself sit still long enough to focus on the task needing to be done. 

For instance, right now I have at least two books that I really want to read, because I want all of the information inside of them to be inside of my brain, yet I do not want to make myself sit down to read them. Why? Because if I'm reading the one, I'm not reading the other. And if I'm reading either, I'm missing out on catching up on my Bible study. And if I'm doing any of these activities, I'm not devoting time to learning some new songs I've been wanting to perfect on the piano. And if I'm doing any of those, than I'm not working on my scripture memory. Do you see where I'm going with this? lol Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh at myself and then I wonder if God laughs at me as well. I hope He gets a kick out of me and my insane thought processes. He did make my brain, after all. 

So, if there is a point at all to this random little post, it's that I need to be better about focusing. I have so many things that I want to do but I become so easily overwhelmed. Yet another paradox in the life of Sarah haha. I don't know though, sometimes being so erratic makes my life much more interesting and surprising. I like it that way.  :)

Here's a fun picture for you. 
To do: Ride in a hot air balloon. 

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Written about 2 weeks ago...

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I dusted off some of my old piano books this week. It's amazing what you forget when you don't practice anymore.
It brought back so many memories... You know when you find something you love and you invest a lot of time in it, and then, for whatever reason, you stop doing those things, you forget about them, and then several years later you remember that you forgot them? So you become reacquainted.  There's such a comfort in that familiar reverie. I'm not sure how it is for other people, but it makes me wonder why I ever stopped. I guess time creeps by, you become busy, too busy for the things you really love, and then you forget that you loved them, forget how much you loved them. Forget that, in some odd and mystical way, that thing seems to have the ability to love you too. Something that used to define such a huge part of you becomes lost. And as a result, a large part of you gets lost. I realize I was lost. I still am a little. I always will be. I think my life will always be a series of discovering again where I've unintentionally made my way to a place I never meant to go and then finding my way back to the right path. I want to make my way back to the love of playing. Music, and the love of it, is really quite a unique and esoteric thing. It's deep, almost as if it's encrypted into your genetic code. The English language doesn't have a satisfactory word for the following thought, but when you let yourself bask in this passion, it doesn't matter how challenging it is, because the result is worth it. I'm not fond of cliches -it seems lately I've been using a lot of them- but music is so much like love. You shouldn't forget to practice it. You shouldn't forget to live it. You shouldn't forget to be inspired by it. You shouldn't forget to revel in it. You shouldn't forget that to separate yourself from it means to put to death a large part of your heart. Such a large part of who I am has metaphorically been in a coma, for lack of a better description, for 6 years. But, I smile as I type this, I'm starting to stir. I'm a bit weak, nowhere near as strong as I used to be, but I'm animately existent. And the world, though at times daunting, seems like a much better place...

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How He Loves

I'm sitting here at my dining room table, my favorite tea cup and saucer next to me {filled with Calm Tazo Tea, my favorite, and apple cider vinegar, not my favorite, but such is the life of an allergic convalescent like myself}, and with not much direction in regards to this post. I also have a nagging thought that I should be going to bed instead of writing, but I guess I'll sleep when I die. Or not, because I'll be in Heaven, and I don't think I'll want to sleep there.

It seems that even amidst me not living up to my expectations of a godly, Christian woman, God still blesses. It humbles me. And helps me to believe that even when I'm not aware that "God is working everything out for the good of those who love Him", He's still working. He began the good work, and He will complete it. 

This month is February. And you know what that means. Love. I love love. I think it's wonderful. I haven't always thought that. But as I've worked through all of the crap that life has thrown at me, I've realized that at my very core, I'm a hopeless romantic. As much as I've tried to fight it, it's in my very blood. I am, after all, a woman. And as I've learned from one of my recent homework assignments in my Bible study, God specifically created Male and Female souls. Not just bodies. Souls. God specifically designed not only my physical being, but my spiritual and emotional one. This is wonderful for many reasons, but especially for one, which I will explain in the following sentences. 

God made me in His image. My spirit, in it's perfect form, is a mirror of His. I am fallen, and thus not a perfect mirror, but by Jesus's blood, I am perfect, righteous, and holy. So, if I am made in His image, and if I have accepted Christ as my Lord, then the Holy Spirit begins to work inside of me. Changing what needs to be changed. Doing away with what needs doing away with. Watering what needs to grow. And you know what I've realized about God this week? That my romanticism isn't the result of chance. It's a direct reflection of the spirit of God. He is a romantic. Watch, I'll prove it to you. 

This month began with me feeling somewhat dry within my soul and emotions. I felt shriveled up. It was difficult to love on others, difficult to even be around people. If I could have vacated myself, I would have even done that. But something happened. I couldn't put my finger on it. I'm not even sure when it happened. I'm not even sure what happened, or what started it all. It's funny you don't notice things happening or changing until it keeps happening or changing and that's when you start to pay attention. I think I had begun to despair that God really was working in my life or that He really was leading me. Then I visited a new church. 

I had been visiting churches off and on for the past several months, but had begun to despair of ever finding one that gave me peace about being there. But when I visited this church, it was different. I felt for the first time in months that God was speaking to me, from the time I walked in to the time I walked out. It gave me hope that I hadn't felt in months. God was paying attention...

That same day, God gave me an idea for something to do on Valentines Day. It seems like a little thing, but it's funny, when God gives you an idea that involves extending love to other people, it makes you feel pretty nice inside. It has given me excitement and provided me with something to do. Because, as I have been reading, Love Does. 

This Thursday, I attended Lobby Day in Atlanta to help raise awareness and action to stop Human Trafficking. I've been praying that God would just keep breaking my heart for this issue and that He would show me what I need to do. And through this trip, He gave me my next step. He answers prayer!

This weekend, I was granted the opportunity of a lifetime through a woman who has been such a kind friend to my family. I will give more details later, when things are more settled, but it truly is God! I wish I could share it all right now but it wouldn't make sense if I did! lol. 

This weekend, several of my family members went out of town, leaving me alone at my house. Thankfully, I have a really cool friend who stayed with me most of the weekend and I had the best time! It's been a while since I've had such good chill time. We visited the Indian Mounds in Macon, which I will definitely be going back to, since we were only able to spend about an hour there. And then we went to an antique shop. There were soooo many awesome things there! {This sounds weird, and it probably makes more sense in my head because I have all of the details, but I felt like so many elements from my past, present, and future all collided with the events of this  weekend.} I found a barbie there that I used to have when I was a little girl. It was my most favorite Barbie. It was a Holiday Edition and she had this beautiful black velvet dress with sparkly lines down the front and sheer long sleeves on the top and this awesome electric pink satin shawl. I wanted a dress just like it when I grew up and had to attend red carpet events (haha). I found another Barbie that I also used to have when I was young. This is crazy to me, because I only owned 3 or 4 Barbies in my whole life and what were the chances that they would have 2 of them?? They also had this amazing piano there for only $275. I wanted it so badly, but at the moment, I am broke. I did get to play it however, and it sounded beautiful. I'm not sure why, because I have my own piano, but playing a piano somewhere else always sounds so much prettier. It was lovely. We also found several other miscellaneous things, including a dainty china tea cup with pink carnations painted on it for $3.50. I did happen to have that much cash, so I made my first ever antique purchase and it was great fun. 

My mom came back on Sunday with a surprise for me. {Technically it wasn't a surprise because she had sent me a picture of it earlier in the week, so I knew it was coming. But you know what I mean.} I've been wanting a vintage typewriter for some time now and you will never believe it, but my Grandma came into possession of one this very week and told my mom that she wanted me to have it! What's more is that it is extremely similar to the ones that I had been looking at on ebay! I felt like a little kid at Christmas when we started playing around on it, and I haven't felt that way in years. We also pulled out all of my mom's old china that she had hidden away around the house and cleaned it up and put it on display. I must say, I love being able to look at such pretty little things. 

Through the past week and and half, God has also begun to restore my love of music and playing it. I won't go into detail on this one, as I have already begun a post on the subject that I'm finishing up. 

As most people who are involved in my life know, I am taking a trip to Israel in June. I've paid for half of the trip, but the rest of the money is due by the end of this month. I have a majority of the money, but I still need a substantial chunk to complete the amount that's due. I had already accounted for my paychecks until the last week in February and have still come up short. I have been praying ever since I decided to go on the trip that God would provide the funds if it was in His will that I should go. I've been praying that prayer even more this month, since it is due soon lol. I've seen enough of God in the area of monetary provision to know that He provides, and not a moment too soon lol. I do have moments of doubt sometimes that He will provide, especially when I think about the fact that this is actually not a need but a want, that He doesn't have to provide anything. But then I just tell Him that if it's His will, He will have to work it out. It just so happens that in the last 4 days I had 4 clients schedule with me this week. Is that God or is that God? haha

So, what I'm trying to say is, God is romantic. He cares. He loves. He's interested in the little bitty details of our past, present, and future. I daresay He likes to sweep us off of our feet when we are least expecting it. He likes to woo us into love. I never thought it possible to feel about Him as I do, but I do... I'm in love. I know it sounds cliche, but it's true. You know when you love someone and you think about them all the time, just the thought of them makes you smile, and you're not really sure why, and you could spend all of your time with them? If it's the right kind of love, they make you feel like you're the most important person in the world. They're delighted to do anything that might make you smile and you both think the other person is amazing and wonderful. That's how God has made me feel this month, through so many things, little and big. And these confirmations of His love came at the perfect time, without me trying to force or find it. This is such a cheesy phrase, but it's pretty true: my Valentine is a King in Shining Armor. 

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us, oh,
Oh, how He loves us,
How He loves us all

Yeah, He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us,
Oh, how He loves.

And we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about the way...

He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us...


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Slow Down

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This post is going to be more of a "What's been happening with me" post than a spiritual insights type of post.

Last Friday I started to feel under the weather and by Saturday I had acquired a full-blown sinus infection. AGAIN. I wanted to cry. I did, in fact. lol. I also had what I believe was an ear infection, as I had the worst ear pain I ever remember experiencing, on Saturday evening. I think I got one hour of sleep total that night. To be honest, the tears where in response to not only the pain, but the lack of sleep haha. So I decided that I need to make some drastic changes in my life because I cannot deal with having these nettlesome illnesses sprung on me at least once a month.

I did some research and apparently I'm going to have to seriously clean up my diet and stay away as much as I can from sugar, dairy, and wheat...the three main food groups. Haha kidding! But seriously, you don't realize how much you eat of something until you can't eat it anymore.

While I'm on the subject, this is the most draining and tiring case of sinusitis I think I've ever had. I probably say that each time but really, I laid in bed for four days and was still tired and drained after that. I also experienced more of "The Blues" than I usually do when I'm sick. It sucks when you're in that position because you are sick enough to be depressed and not well enough to be able to focus and tell yourself the right things. I tried several times to go to the Word but I felt like I just sat there and read and re-read things over and over and couldn't comprehend anything. And it's funny because you lay there and you just think to yourself, "Nothing means anything. Nothing is worth this. I'm never going to get better. I can't live like this". You would think I was man! {That's not a jab at men, I just mean everyone knows men are not good with being sick lol} I joked with my sister that if I ever had a terminal illness, I would not survive. My will to live isn't strong enough haha. I only had a sinus infection and I was ready to throw in the towel! It really made me respect more those people who do have serious conditions and are so strong and cheerful.

I say all of that to say, there's nothing quite like the feeling of relief when you wake up and realize you're not as bad as you were the day before. And I'm not sure what happened, but it was like I had this renewed sense of vigor over life. I wanted to do more with mine. Do some of those things I say I need to do, and do them because I want to, not because I should. 

Throughout that whole ordeal (even though I'm still not fully recovered) I kept asking God why I had to be sick. I know that sounds so petty and childish, but I won't apologize because I think God will use anything to bring us to those low points for a reason. I had just finished reading in a Bible study about how we see so little of God because we believe so little. I also learned that I tend to not ask God for things because I'm afraid of being disappointed when He doesn't answer the way I want. So I stay away from asking altogether, to avoid the disappointment and anger. Can I just say that you shouldn't do that? Even if you are like me, stubborn and willful, and so full of pride that you get angry when God doesn't do things the way you think He should do them. So anyway, because of all the things I had realized in my Bible study, on Saturday evening, when the pain was at it's worst, I kept praying for God to take it away. I knew that God could do it. {Incidentally, knowing that God can do something has never been a huge issue for me. It's wondering IF He'll do it that always gets me. Maybe that's why I get so angry when He doesn't answer the way I want-because I know He can and He's choosing not to. Pride.} And yet, there I was, all night and into the morning, clawing at my ear, barely able to breathe because of the congestion, and wondering, even though I knew in my logical mind that this was just a small thing, why God wouldn't take it away. You always hear about how God loves us as His children. His word is full of verses like that. It would seem that if God really loved me, He would make me feel better. He would make all of His children who hurt, feel better. And if He didn't heal them, He would work something miraculous to make the pain and hurt worth it all. But that didn't happen to me. I did get angry, but I also didn't quit seeking Him. Instead of giving up on Him in that area, I just kept asking Him to help me to see His purpose. I was talking with my mom the next day, telling her the situation, saying I didn't understand, and I believe the Holy Spirit spoke through her in that moment. She said, "When I used to get migraines all the time, I used to think God was punishing me. Now I know He wasn't punishing me.  He was trying to slow me down, and those times gave me opportunity to pray even more." It took me a while to think about those words, to process them. I had been praying the whole time, not only for myself but for other things and people. But the part that really hit me was when she said God used it to slow her down. You see, I've always wanted to be a jet setter. I've always wanted to be able to run the roads, lead an exciting life, do things for God all over the place. As I was pondering all of this, I realized, it may not be a bad thing to live a fast life, but it needs to be because God has a purpose in it, He's called me to it. I hadn't been doing a lot in the previous weeks, but I had been doing enough to keep me from spending time with Him. And I think He had to allow me to get sick so that I would be broken enough to listen to Him saying, "You may get to have a fast-paced, exciting life, you may not. But no matter what type of life you lead, you will get the grace to live it FROM ME AND ME ALONE. You think you can live how you want and only come to Me when you think you need Me. But just so you don't forget, you need Me all the time. Sick or not sick. During slow times and during busy times. In good times and in bad. In your weakness, I am strong." 

Unfortunately, this is a lesson I keep having to learn over and over again. But there is a familiar sense of comfort in being disciplined by God. God doesn't discipline to punish. He disciplines because He loves. He's more interested in what is truly good for me in the long run, not just the temporary comfort of good health. Now, I'm saying all of this while I'm on the way to being well. It's easier to convey when I'm feeling pretty good. But I think that's usually how I learn the lessons God teaches me. I go through something, don't understand the why, and then when I start to come out of "the thing", I start to learn "the lesson".

There are a few other little things that I think He is still trying to teach me and the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me, and I'm praying that no matter what He has to do, I'll learn it. One of my biggest fears is going through life and missing what He is trying to do in and around me! Pray for me, and I'll pray for you, that we wouldn't miss out on the revelation of the Holy Spirit and that we would live in a manner "worthy of the calling with which we are called."

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