Streams in a Wasteland

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

"It's a race. I hope I ween!"

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Being a Christian is a lot like running. If you've never made a habit of running, then it's hard. To start out, you have to have a reason for doing it. If you don't have a reason, then as soon as you go out for the first time and start moving, you won't have any motivation to carry you through. I've thought over and over again my whole life, "How in the world could I ever convince anyone to become a Christ follower?" After all, following Jesus is hard. It's the hardest thing you'll ever do. Why would anyone want to take on something harder when life is already hard enough as it is.
But as I was sitting here thinking about it, I realized, yes, it is hard. But think about when you are not exercising. When you haven't made exercise and eating healthy a habit in your life. You feel lethargic, unmotivated, and tired. Your body definitely shows the lack of discipline (unless you have magic genes, which I'm convinced some people do), as do your moods and emotions. But then, maybe someone starts telling you about their plan to have a healthier lifestyle, or maybe they have already had a healthy lifestyle and they just like talking about it. You say, "Good for them", but aren't interested in making any changes in your life because it would take effort that you don't want to put forth. But as that someone keeps on with their plan of exercising and eating healthy, you start to desire to do the same for yourself. Not just because someone else is doing it, but because of the change you see in them. They tell you all about how they feel much better, have more energy, are more motivated, have a sense of accomplishment, their body gives evidence to their new habits. They are honest with you about the fact that it took, and still takes, a lot of hard work, that it requires sacrifice, and that they struggle. But the results are worth it. 
To me, that's how being a Christian is. It's hard, it takes effort, it's not magic that will fix everything and help you at the snap of your finger. Just like no magic pill will make you look and feel great (without severe consequences anyway). Ah, but the results, the goal, and the reward, that's what spurns you on. And you know that in the end, it will be worth it all.

"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." - Philippians 3:14

"For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." - 1 Timothy 4:8

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18 inches

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I'm thinking that this is probably going to be a long post and I'm hoping I'll be able to impart the thoughts in my head effectively. Along those lines, you want to know what one of the weirdest thing ever is? Feelings.
Feelings you can feel and think about, and yet never even form a sentence in your head. I've always grappled with feelings and thoughts. And I don't mean struggling with the reality of them. No, more so than actually feeling my feelings and thinking my thoughts is the difficulty of expressing them. Saying them. How do you put feelings and thoughts into words? It doesn't matter of what nature they are, it's pretty much always exasperating to me. I've never been one of those quick witted people who always has an awesome comeback. Sure, I can think of funny or important stuff to say, but when it comes to communicating what the most important issue in my mind is, I can't make the connection between my brain and my mouth. It's possibly one of the most frustrating things I experience. I think it must have something to do with the fact that I'm afraid I'll be misunderstood. Do I sound like a 90's angsty teenager or what? That's pretty sad considering I'm 21 and it's 2012. Haha, in the words of one of my classmates, "Whaatehvah".

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True Story

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So I was going to write last week about something really cool I experienced but I just got really busy and I couldn't focus enough to write it. Here goes... 

About two weeks ago I was really struggling with some pretty serious issues. I'm not going to give the details because it's personal, but they are issues that have a pretty significant effect on anyone who thinks about them. So I was really wrestling with God over them and all the while I was wrestling them, I was also wrestling other things that I didn't even realize I was wrestling with. (Do you think I used the word wrestling enough in that sentence?) 

I kept trying to get in the Word and find some answers but it just seemed like there was no relief or answers for the restlessness in my spirit and mind. I sought counsel on the matter because I felt like I couldn't take it anymore and thankfully, the individuals that I spoke with didn't actually give me the answers to my questions, because they knew that unless God Himself revealed them to me, I would still doubt and wonder if it was true. I'm very grateful for their wisdom in that matter. So I took their advice and kept trying to seek God. I still didn't get any answers. I kept trying to "put on a good face" and "just trust God" but you know, God knows when we're not trusting Him, even if we won't admit it. I think that's probably the biggest problem with distrust. We won't admit it. 

There's that phrase that says, "The first step to recovery is admitting the problem". Over and over again I have found this true of my spiritual life. You see, I'm one of those people who tends to run from my feelings. I run because I'm fearful of them. I run because they are overwhelming to me. I do what I can to avoid them, without being fully aware that I'm avoiding them. My whole life, as far back as I can remember, I've always had this voice telling me that I can't do it. That whatever the task is at hand, I will give up, I won't succeed, I won't follow through. And because, for the majority of my life I listened to the voice, I now find it hard not to believe it. That's why I avoid almost anything that involves commitment. Because I'm afraid of failing. Because I see failure as a pattern in my life. But that's a post for another day…

It's relevant to this post because it's how my relationship with God is sometimes defined. Me, constantly running, afraid of being let down, disappointed, or failing. But you know what the crazy thing is? God never lets me down. Sometimes I think He does, because I don't get an answer right away, or I don't see a result like I thought I would. But that doesn't mean He's let me down or failed to keep His promises. Also a post for another day. Sorry I keep getting off track. 

So in the midst of all these tumultuous thoughts, I went home during my lunch break earlier last week to take a shower because I had woken up late and didn't have time to get one that morning. So I was in there talking to God, getting frustrated that He wouldn't give me some relief, not admitting what was in my heart of hearts. My mind kept jumping from one thing to the next, going around in circles, never finding any answers. For some reason, a particular ministry had come to my mind several times over the last few weeks and while I was in the shower it came to me again. It was something which I didn't want to be a part of at all really, as terrible as that sounds. But I got so desperate to please God, so desperate to do His will for my life, so desperate for the unrest to stop, that I finally just said the words, "FINE! I'll go if You want me to go!". And I cannot even explain what happened. I may have experienced a feeling like that only once or twice in my life. It was like my mind finally rested. 

If I were to explain it visually, I would say, picture a stick figure that represents my brain. Now imagine it running around in circles, in one direction, then in the opposite direction, then running in straight lines back and forth, from idea to idea, from question to unanswered question, then running back in the circles. But when I said those words to God, really meaning them this time, it was as if my brain just sat down. I couldn't think of any more questions or problems. It was like I didn't need to anymore. It was like God said, "Ok, that's what I was waiting for." Even though I had just surrendered to doing something that I, in my flesh, don't want to do at all, I was peaceful. And I started actually wanting to do the very thing I was dreading. But the story doesn't stop there. 

I got out of the shower and while I was eating lunch I decided to read in Psalms. It was very encouraging and applicable. But it gets better. Sometimes when I read scripture that really helps or encourages me, I write it out on notecards and carry it with me throughout the day so that I can constantly be reminded of it. Usually my mom keeps blank notecards by the computer but on this day there wasn't any, so I was looking around for some and came across several that my mom had already written on. Me, being the curious person that I am, started to read through them. They were pretty interesting. Then about the fourth one I read really caught my attention. It was the beginning of a chapter out of Galatians. So, I looked it up in the NLT and it was addressing the very issue I had been struggling with all week. Not only was it addressing it, but it was explaining in detail all the questions I had about said issue and the answers regarding that issue. God is the coolest. He may not answer right away, but He is always faithful.

"'Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD." Jeremiah 29:12-14a

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I shouldn't be up this late, especially not writing. I have to be up in 5 hours and facing a day that will be quite full. But there'll be plenty of time to sleep when I die, right? Psych!! I won't sleep when I die. I'll be in a place where you never get tired yesssssssss. And that's what you call a Jesus Juke. You can read all about those here.
Anyways, the point of this post tonight, and I don't even know if I will get to it now, because I'm feeling a little loopy in light of the late hour, is to tell you something really awesome that God did for me this week. Or maybe I should say, did in me, or to me. I don't know. But I think I'll save it for tomorrow or when I have more time because I'm tired all of the sudden. Goodnight :)

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Today's not an insightful one...

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Do yall ever get tired of the message that is constantly reverberating everywhere by our society that you just have to try harder? I do... I know in life we have to work hard for what we want but... I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if maybe certain things are really hard because we weren't meant to do them. I can't give you any specific scenarios. That would be telling ;) I know that without hard work, the gratification you get from a task or accomplishment is almost nonexistent. But what happens when you strive so hard for things that you don't find enjoyment in them? You just do them because you should, or to "keep up", or to make a name for yourself, or to be as good as everyone else? Then, is it a matter of ceasing striving or is it a matter of adjusting your focus? I would say probably the latter. The things that I strive for, I genuinely do want. However, many times the amount of time and work that it takes to cultivate whatever it is I'm pursuing causes me to reevaluate. I don't want to be one of those people who just gives up when the going gets tough. I hate that. But I also don't want to be one of those people who can't just let things go. Alas, I don't really have any answers tonight. Maybe if life would just slow down a little...

30 "God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection." - Psalm 18:30

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Worry was the word...

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This morning I woke up super late so I wasn’t able to spend time in the Word but I was able to read Jesus Calling and I felt it was extremely relevant. Worry was the word I was searching for last night. Where’s the line between worry and discernment. I think the definitions below and scripture listed are good guidelines for how to gauge when, or more importantly, in what way, to let go of things.

Worry-To give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. To cause to feel anxiety or concern. A state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.
Anxiety-A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Trust-Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. Allow someone to have, use, or look after someone or something of importance or value with confidence. To commit to the safekeeping of. Have confidence, hope. To place reliance on.
Faith-Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Confidence-The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.

Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive. When you start to feel anxious about something, relinquish the situation back to Me. Back off a bit, redirecting your focus to Me. I will either take care of the problem Myself or show you how to handle it. In this world you will have problems, but you need not lose sight of Me. – Jesus  Calling

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat: nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? {|Cool side note: The Amplified Bible says it this way: “And which of you by being overly anxious and troubled with cares can add a cubit to his stature or a moment [unit] of time to his age [the length of his life]? If then you are not able to do such a little thing as that, why are you anxious and troubled with cares about the rest?” This is cool because Jesus is saying that adding height to your stature or a moment of time to your age is a little thing.  To me those aren’t little things at all. You would have to be able to alter your genetics to grow taller and you would have to alter God’s timeline in order to add time to your life. Yet to Jesus, these things are “the little, easy things”. It’s kind of comforting to know that if He thinks things like that are easy, then He is capable of directing my life without the “aid” of my worry or wisdom.|} Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.” Luke 12:22-31

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Discernment vs. Letting Go

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Anyone who really knows me knows that I'm a thinker. In fact, the majority of them would say I'm an over-thinker. That may be true. I don't like to think of myself that way. I like to think of it as me trying to be smarter and to figure things in life out- why they happen, what I can do to change or grow, what I need to do to protect myself, what I need to do to allow God to mold me, etc. But the problem I seem to have is that when I constantly think of all the things I think about, a lot of times I don't get anywhere. Sure, I think of all kinds of new things, all kinds of possibilities, all kinds of answers which lead to more questions. But as far as finding peace and satisfaction in an answer, well that rarely happens. Naturally, I thought about it (haha) and I've inferred that the problem has to do with Discernment. I want to have discernment, which is most of the reason why I think about everything all the time. But where is the line drawn between trying to figure something out and having discernment? What I mean is, sometimes I'll try to figure things out so hard that I think of all the "what if's" and I try to make sense of everything and I do it because I want to be wise. I don't want to make the same mistakes and if I can prevent something in the future by understanding something now, I want to. But many times these thought processes just go round and round and don't seem to help. So how do you know when to let an issue "be" or to truly seek it out and ponder it?

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Today's A Short One

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*Sidenote* Actually, I guess it's an above note.* I've been contemplating several verses for the past year or so and I cannot come up with a definite answer. But I'm not going to quit wrestling with them until I get an answer. More to come on that later.

Today I was in class thinking, trying to make sense of life and getting nowhere when all of the sudden a thought occurred to me and I had to write it down immediately. I'm not sure if the thought is completely sound, but it seemed to be something that maybe the Holy Spirit was telling me so I thought I'd share...

"When the reason something is happening to or in you is beyond your comprehension and seems to be out of your control, maybe it's because that is the only way God can bring about a specific result in your life-through something that seems to make no sense at all. God seems to specialize in things that make no sense at all (no sense according to my standards, obviously). After all, what kind of sense did it make for Jesus to suffer and die on a cross? Until the resurrection-then the reason why was made gloriously clear." 

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Philippians 1:6

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"Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ…"
"Since I'm confident of this very thing…He which hath begun…will perform." Philippians 1:6

I've wrestled with this verse for months. The question I always ask myself about it is, "What if you are a Christian, but you are not living for God, or you're doing something contrary to His will? Will He still "perform a good work in you until the day of Christ?" 

I think maybe I've been focusing on a question though, that can't ever be truly answered. At least, not in this life. I think a better way of looking at it is that it's not so much a question of will He do it but rather, how will I respond? God doesn't need me to do His will, as much as I like to think He does, as much as it gives me a false sense of importance that He does. He longs for me to love Him and do His will, but he doesn't need me to. And I think because I'm human I can't truly understand a longing that is void of need... 

Our behavior always has consequences and they can be good or bad. I think the answer to the question is this: God will carry out His will no matter what. However, if I want to be a part of what He's doing, if I want to be intimate with Him, if I want to please Him, if I want to be spiritually awake to the work He is doing, then I must seek Him. I can choose not to seek Him and because of that miss out on blessings, miss out on an amazing life of being intimate with Him, but He's still at  work in my life constantly. So the question is, how will I respond? Will I respond by giving my whole heart to Him and focus all of my time, energy, will, and emotion on seeking Him and His kingdom? Or will I be satisfied with just knowing that I'm saved? Many times I get so anxious that I'm doing things wrong and God won't continue to work in my life or that I'll do something to ruin what He has for me. But if I'm consistently pursuing Him, there's no way I'll miss out on what He's doing. Sure, there will be times I fall down, or will give into laziness, or selfishness. But my heart's deepest desire is to allow God to use me in whatever way He sees fit. Sometimes it takes me a while to get to a place of acceptance of what that usage is. But it truly is what I want the most. So the only thing to be concerned about is if I stop seeking Him. And, here's the best part, even then I can always run back to Him and start to seek Him again and He will always welcome me back. I think that's the reason I've struggled so long with this notion-because the idea of someone offering forgiveness and love and restoration each and every single time I or anyone else rejects Him or trades Him in for our own desires and idols….It's unheard of. It's insane! It doesn't make any sense… But it's such an astonishingly amazing thing. I can't even describe the peace and freedom it leaves me with. God is wondrous. 

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