See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

New Beginning

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Ok, I have been absolutely terrible about keeping up with this blog. Actually, I shouldn't even say keeping up, as I haven't even written one post. I had originally intended to keep this as a recipe blog of sorts but obviously that fell through. I have never really felt the need to really write about my personal life on this blog just because I quite often journal by hand. I know, I'm probably old fashioned but I just love holding a journal and being able to fill a blank page with a story-cause that's what life is. A story. But I have found that in trying to keep up with my thoughts on paper, most often my hand can't keep up with how fast my brain thinks. And as I'm getting older, I forget things so easily :( I know, I know. I'm only 20. But the information and technology nowadays overloads my brain and makes it very difficult for me to keep a one track mind and remember the really important things I wish I could remember. Therefore, I resort to this blog, for the really important things I want to remember. I probably won't be as diligent in writing on it as I'm anticipating, but even if I can mark some important things to look over later, it will have served it's purpose. So, until then...

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