See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Yikes! It's been a whole week!

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I was going to start out by apologizing for not keeping my commitment to write but it's not like anyone follows this so I guess it doesn't matter! Heh heh. Hmmm what to write about....

You know what I keep having to learn? To go to God with how I'm really feeling. Not to get stuck on how I'm feeling, but to tell Him and surrender the feelings to Him. To realize He's ultimately in control and the best place to be is on His side, not fighting against His will for my life. I think one of the things that was messing with me was that I was telling Him how I felt, yet I did not tell Him what I want instead. I mean I've told Him what I want, but my attitude had been wrong. I came in pride, thinking that I could somehow force Him to be what I want. Which is miserable. But to just tell Him what's going on and then to accept whatever else comes along. That's the key. It's hard definitely. Sometimes it seems impossible. But acceptance (not indifferent acceptance), but loving surrender, purposeful laying down of our wants and desires and hopes at His feet is what I believe He delights in. And when I do that, it's amazing the peace that I feel. It's quite sad how I forget this simple thing so easily. But I pray that He will continually remind me. 

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