See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Pray for Newtown

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Normally I try to stray away from things that are trending at the moment, but I think that it would do to devote a post in honor of the people that were so closely effected by the events that transpired in Connecticut this weekend. I confess, I haven't allowed myself to really put myself in their shoes because I know if I did, I would be in hysterics. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing, who knows? When I first heard the news, my reaction wasn't like most of the people's that I knew. I didn't cry. It didn't really seem real to me. Which sounds really harsh, but honestly I just didn't feel anything about it. My logical mind knew it was an extremely tragic event, but my feelings just weren't affected. Until a few days ago, for whatever reason. Maybe it just takes me a long time to process feelings. I'm not sure.

Anyways, until a few days ago I felt unusual praying for them, because it seemed so unreal. I prayed for the usual things, comfort, sense of God's presence, etc., but all of Friday I felt like there was something else that I should be praying for. It wasn't until Saturday afternoon as I was driving around (I tend to get epiphanies in the car for some reason) that I thought about what we had just finished studying in my College and Career small group. We just finished Genesis, and the end of Genesis looks at the life of Joseph. Joseph had a lot of horrible things happen to him. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, worked his way up to an honorable position in a man of great power's home, then was thrown into jail for something he didn't do and stayed there for many years. Eventually God brought him out and he was able to save the nation of Egypt and many surrounding nations, as well as experience restoration between himself, his brothers, and the rest of his family. At the very end of Genesis he says something so profound. He says, "What you meant for evil, God meant for good". Simple words, yet in them is so much life. And it dawned on me as I was driving that this is what I needed to pray for in this situation. This was obviously an evil thing that happened. The man who did it meant it for evil. Satan meant it for evil. But God is bigger than both of them. God was never out of control. God can take this situation, that was meant to destroy people, and actually reverse it, to turn others toward Him and to offer life and hope. The Devil's biggest goal is to hurt God and draw people away from Him and His truth. But even in spite of that horrible, devastating event, the Devil does not have to win! God will always bring something good out of something terrible when it involves a child of His. I'm not saying this thing that happened is good. But I'm saying God can redeem the situation to bring good about. So, I challenge you, while you pray for comfort for these families, also pray that God would bring good out of this situation. I'll be doing the same.

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid..." Genesis 50:20-21a

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

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