See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

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My post today will probably be quite short and it will have no trace of intelligence or lessons learned. I just felt like talking. Is it weird to say talking since I'm actually typing? Whatevs...

Anyways, so I've been pretty sick for the past two days, which is super annoying because it's a sinus infection. I HATE sinus infections. Truth be told, I would rather have the flu. No, I'm not exaggerating. I would rather be vomiting my guts up than to walk around with no voice, head feeling like it weighs fifty pounds, and chest congestion. The chest congestion is the worst, because not only does it feel like something is pressing down on you constantly, it produces this uncontrollable, totally useless cough. And no sooner are you done coughing then you need to cough again, not to clear your throat, but because if you don't, you will choke. Yeah, I'm probably complaining now, but it's all good.
I was just observing to myself that when I get sick like this, it seems like I will never get better. Which is ridiculous because I always eventually get better, but it seriously never fails to make me feel like I'll always be sick. And every time I develop a sinus infection I always say, "I will never eat so poorly or treat my body so terribly again!". And the sickness waits until I've just forgotten that, and then BAM! It pops up again. So here I am, wallowing in self-pity because I hate being sick. How's your life? :)

I saw Skyfall tonight. It was very well done, but to me, all the James Bond movies are exactly the same. And I don't mean to be a kill joy, because I do love the action, but I get so put off by how they portray this guy. Like he's the end all, be all, the epitome of what a successful, awesome man is. Yet, he is constantly using women. And I'm not saying the women aren't the same way. They allow themselves to be used. But I guess because I'm a woman, I see the deeper side of why they let themselves be used. And I know it's just a movie. But the older I get, the more I see the same effects of all this stuff in real life. And it's so very sad to me. My idea of an awesome man is not someone who can fight and kill and seduce any woman he wants. I just don't get the appeal. I mean, I do. But, it's so useless to me. It doesn't work. All it produces is baggage, mistrust, and bitterness. They never show that in the movies though...

Anyways, sorry to be such a Debbie Downer. On the bright side, I'm leaving for New York City this week. I haven't even begun to pack :/ Kind of dreading that, actually. It's going to be fun and it's a really cool story how God provided for that. I'll have to write about it soon.

Well, I took some Nyquil a little while ago and now my brain is acting even more slowly than it usually does and my words are starting to run together so I will say goodnight. Goodnight! :)

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