See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Good Grief

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Yes. I am dedicating a blog post to this quote. It's really weird actually because I was just formulating in my mind an idea for a blog post right before I sat down to my computer and then the second site that I visited had this picture. I took it as a sign. 

So what I'm going to write about has to do with exactly what he said: feelings and society's stipulations of them. To be more specific, cultural stipulations. I believe that every different town of the world, not just countries, have their own culture. I always sort of knew this, but this past week I really experienced it. I've visited a decent amount of places throughout my lifetime and encountered several different cultures. They've all had an impact on me, but New York City probably had the biggest impact of all. Maybe it's because I wasn't expecting it at all but it really changed me. While I'm writing this I can't help thinking about the trip I took to Honduras this past February. I was expecting to be changed on that trip. But I wasn't. Sure, I had a great time, I loved being able to help out, and I learned a few lessons. But I wouldn't say that it was necessarily life changing. And maybe that's because I was expecting it to be. 

But going to New York was.

I noticed something that I've thought long and hard about before, but it was like the fog suddenly cleared and I finally realized

It's ok to be passionate about something. 

I can't tell you how many times I've stifled my feelings of passion toward something because other people or the culture that I'm surrounded by would have thought it was "uncool". It's "uncool" to show that you care about something, it's "uncool" to love something, it's "uncool" to be vulnerable and share your vision, it's "uncool" to want to devote your time and effort to something, unless it's like, a sport or becoming a doctor (No offense to athletes or doctors).  But being in New York, and especially visiting Arrojo salon and Hillsong Church just really shook me up and made me realize, it's ok to love something and to be passionate about it! In fact, look at the most successful and dynamic people you know. The people that make a difference in other people's lives. They didn't get that way by going with the flow and following the trends and liking what everyone else thinks is cool. They got that way because they loved and believed in what they were passionate about. 

I know that I just "do hair". I know in most people's eyes, that's not a very worthy profession. And I really have struggled with that for a long time. And I know I still will at times. But I'm not going to act anymore like what I do isn't important. I do have something to offer. I can give others my time, I can be a servant to them, I can make them feel welcome and at ease, I can make them feel good about themselves, I can give them an experience each time they come to me that makes them feel good inside and out, and I can listen to them. After all, isn't that what Jesus does for us? Serves us, lifts us up, makes us feel welcome, accepted, and beautiful? (To any guys who may be reading this, whatever your equivalent of feeling safe, loved, and desirable is lol). 

I want to do all that I do to the glory of God. I'm still trying to figure out how doing hair fits into that whole picture, but I know it fits somewhere. And I know that God is faithfulHe'll show me in His time. And I'm really excited about that. I used to think it was music. I wanted it to be music. And I still think music is going to fit into the picture somehow. But right now, at this point in time, at this part in the story that God is writing, it's the beauty industry. And I'm really starting to be daring and actually love it. And you know what? I hope that you, whoever you are, reading this, I hope that you can find something that you can be passionate about and do with your whole heart and soul. :)

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

"And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17

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