See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Today's A Short One

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*Sidenote* Actually, I guess it's an above note.* I've been contemplating several verses for the past year or so and I cannot come up with a definite answer. But I'm not going to quit wrestling with them until I get an answer. More to come on that later.

Today I was in class thinking, trying to make sense of life and getting nowhere when all of the sudden a thought occurred to me and I had to write it down immediately. I'm not sure if the thought is completely sound, but it seemed to be something that maybe the Holy Spirit was telling me so I thought I'd share...

"When the reason something is happening to or in you is beyond your comprehension and seems to be out of your control, maybe it's because that is the only way God can bring about a specific result in your life-through something that seems to make no sense at all. God seems to specialize in things that make no sense at all (no sense according to my standards, obviously). After all, what kind of sense did it make for Jesus to suffer and die on a cross? Until the resurrection-then the reason why was made gloriously clear." 

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