See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Faith Like Abraham

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We've been studying Genesis in my College and Career small group and I've only been able to join in on about three of the meetings in the past two months because of school but it's amazing what God has reminded me of even in those few meetings.

The last time we met, a phrase that Dan mentioned has stuck with me ever since that night and it has been something that has helped me through a lot of really tough decisions and feelings lately. We were talking about how Abraham had the audacity to ask God about the things that were on his mind, really tough issues. And when he asked, what he always had to come back to is this: "Is God faithful or isn't He?" That's a question I've been asking myself for two or three weeks. It really puts things into perspective because isn't that what most things boil down to in our walk with Christ? Will we do what God has asked us to or not? Is there a purpose for it or not? Does He have a plan or not? Is He faithful or not? And I don't know, it's just really made me realize that all of the things I become so fixated on, the things that keep me from having mountain moving faith and more importantly, faith that pleases God, all come down to one concern: What if God really isn't faithful? I usually don't form it that clearly in my mind, but that's truly the root of it all. Is the Holy Spirit working inside of me or isn't He? Will God lead my path or won't He? Is He true to His word or isn't He? So, next time I feel God asking or telling me to do something, or even doubting what He's already told me, I can go to that concept. Is God faithful or isn't He?

The second thing that has really touched me is the story of the sacrifice of Isaac. That story never, ever fails to strike a nerve deep within my soul and emotions. It's because of a few monumental decisions I've had to make at times in my life where I've had to, in the words of David Crowder, "Lift the knife to the thing I love most". Only in my case, a replacement sacrifice never came. I actually did have to put "the thing" to death. (Not that the things that I've had to sacrifice are anywhere near having to sacrifice a son. That's not the point I'm trying to make. The point is that, sometimes you just have to put "the thing" to death.) And each time I am called to do it, it's extremely hard and painful. But I know God has promised me a future and a hope. I know He has promised to work all things out for the good of those who love Him. I know He that He will complete the good work that He began in me long ago. He has to. He has said He would. It's in these seasons of life that I know God must be building my faith. I can either view it as just another problem or difficult season of life, or I can be grateful that God is answering the prayer I've been praying for months-that He would build my faith! And you want to know something? I just figured that out as I was typing it! lol I love writing. You figure so much out by doing it. Seriously though, if you read my journal, you could see that over the course of the last few months my recurring prayer was that God would build my faith. Well, I'm looking forward to what He is going to build in me in this season. I know it's going to get harder before it gets easier, and I'll probably cry more and complain some but I know God won't leave me there. After all, is He faithful or isn't it He?

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